I had my annual exam this week. I call it the "rape exam" as I'm forced to do it to receive birth control which helps my bladder pain and also to hold a healthy relationship. It reminds me of the movie
Brave Heart when you got married the mayor or whatever had first rights to your new wife. In order for me to be together with my boyfriend of 7 years and sole provider of monetary support I have to deal with this every year even though I do not consent to the reasoning behind it and that no other country except us, Canada, and Australia does this. Planned Parenthood is too far away for me to do the HOPE program. People in the U.K. gawk when they hear how women are treated over here in regards to birth control.
One of my friends got pregnant trying to avoid the exam while I ordered my pills online, much to the horror of all my other "friends" who I am no longer close to due to their betrayal of my (correct) feelings.
So much conflicting information. The last one even calls people like me "silly." I have IC. I know to do my own research, advocate for myself, and how to make educated choices for the autonomy of my body. No physician I have been to has taken my sexual history seriously. I say I'm still with my boyfriend from high school, we were both virgins, and we have never had that form of cancer in my family. They ignore me and force me in the stirrups. Its either that or I lose my relationship and the relief it brings for my IC.
Even if a result came back abnormal I wouldn't seek "treatment" as the body usually wins out. If I had two abnormal results then perhaps I would, but, as an IC patient, anything down there hurts.
My favorite quote comes from a comment from feministsforchocie:
To make an informed decision and truly have a choice one must have all of the facts. I absolutely support the idea that women and men see their doctor at regular intervals and discuss their health openly and honestly, which includes doctors informing women of the high false positive rate of pap smears, letting women know that a pelvic exam is not necessarily required every year, and instead of having a blanket requirement that all women need yearly pap and pelvic exams, doctors should customize the yearly exam to fit the needs of each individual. How many more women would go see the gyno more often if they knew that they would only be subjected to testing that was necessary for them personally?
What bothers me the most is the idea that women must be required to see the doctor because they cannot be trusted to take care of their health themselves. The attitude is condescending and disrespectful. While screening for disease is beneficial, it is a choice and women should be trusted to make the decision for themselves.
Indeed, I am refused INFORMED consent. I am informed, I just am not allowed to make a decision regardless of my education. The test is from prehistoric times, and many women are now speaking about against it. It SHOULD be a choice, not mandatory.
I think men should be required to have a HPV test before they can receive Viagra.
But yes, (GASP) all that is medically necessary is a blood pressure check for birth control. There is no rule saying you must have a pap for the pill, but unfortunately the medical community allows doctors to keep giving women false information. These doctors believe it themselves.
Doctors should be allowed to recommend it, but never hold it and my relationship hostage.
They even screen women
without a cervix.
Some sites say you need one every year, some say every two years, and I've heard every five years. No one is out there to give a definite answer. Its like IC. Its also sad that I'm looking for .gov info, but all the top results are BLOGS. I highly encourage you to view Dr. Sherman's blog on my blog roll list to the right.
My doctor told me there's no way out of getting a pap for birth control. I knew better. I knew I could get it from Planned Parenthood, I could get it from the internet, or I could go to Mexico because its sold OTC.
I really hate the phrasing here. "You may have this done to you," rather than "Your doctor may suggest this be done, but its your choice." This sort of phrasing is what sent me into five years of panic attacks. I didn't have my first pap until 22 because I was in so much pain from IC I just didn't care anymore. Reading the website causes alone causes me emotional pain due to my fears and over protectiveness of my body brought on my an overabundance of doctor exams and procedures done to me as a child. Reading an article like this as a teen really makes you feel helpless.
Yet the guidelines have changed, and this blogger complains about it: http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2010/05/13/to-pap-smear-or-not-to-smear-thats-the-question/
Funny thing is.. the links to the changes are gone now! Like I said, you can't find information to inform yourself anywhere except through blogs, which is sickening.
Wikipedia is the only one that mentions the differences between nations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pap_test
I read one story about a Korean girl who married an American and when she came here she was horrified by the requirement to have a pap done to receive BC, so every year she returns home to get her prescription.
In the UK these are the guidelines: http://cancerhelp.cancerresearchuk.org/type/cervical-cancer/about/cervical-cancer-screening
Every 5 years. I'd be okay with that, if you know, I was in the risk group. But being in a monogamous relationship since high school and no family history of it makes it sound like a useless, humiliating test.
Yet, the doctors don't listen. They don't want informed patients. Perhaps, following the guidelines set by the UK, I'd be a lot less stressed around doctors.
OH boy more conflicting information! The only important thing I can see out of ANY OF THIS is to get a pap smear when you feel you need one. Yet, the doctors won't listen.
A lawsuit can be made, but, as I like this doctor even if she's been corrupted by the evil bi*ch who left me in a room crying and softly rocking due to my anxieties over the pap because I demanded to speak to her rather than the male medical student and she evidently forgot all about me in there, I won't shove my weight around. She believed me when I told her I had IC. She gave me pain relief from it while I worked my courage to find the right IC doctor for me. She holds my loyalty for that, but I desperately wish she as well as other gynecological providers would tell their patients EVERYTHING including risks and pros and cons depend on each INDIVIDUAL as we do not all share the same experiences or sex lives.
One friend who was molested as a child held hers off until 30 but her doctor understood. Is the only way to gain bodily autonomy to lie? She wasn't lying, but for the rest of us? I wasn't raped or molested, but I was violated "down there" by a male doctor when I was five. I say violated because I wanted a female since "boys aren't allowed there", my mom said nothing, she later confessed this was because decades ago when she spoke out her doctors screamed at her.
What have we done to ourselves, women?