First, remember everyone has different diet requirements. Mine are pretty harsh, so the ingredients should be safe for most. Some will be gluten free, others won't, but remember there's gluten free replacements for just about everything. Are those replacements IC safe? I'm not sure.. especially not if soy is involved. That's up for you to decides. Likewise with dairy. I'm fine with dairy.
How to Make IC Safe Meat
How to make IC safe Meat Rub
My (uh.. I mean my Master Chef Stepdad's) IC-safe meat rub is fresh or dried basil (we have a basil plant, and its awesome to make things with), minced fresh garlic (over 9000 times better tasting than that powder crap from stores), and fresh or dried Thyme. I believe you can buy freshly cut thyme at Wal-Mart (at ours at least).
If you're less diet sensitive then have at it and add anything else.
Use a food processor or if you're cheap like me just cut it up REALLY good and stick it in a bowl with cooking oil of your choice.. Olive, Canola, TONS OF BUTTER, etc. This is just enough to soak the meat in, so I guess half a zip-loc bag's worth.
How to make IC safe Gravy
You can use roux to thicken gravy. Safe Roux is made my putting safe flour (there is gluten free flour) into the microwave and stirring OFTEN or else it will burn. When it looks dark, but not burnt, then its ready. You can also use cornstarch, but that's not how we did it so I can't say much.
Bring water to boil, SLOWLY add roux and whisk it constantly with a whisk or a fork of you lack one (this is to prevent the flour from clumping which is bad, so do it very slow and don't let it clump by splashing the whisk or fork at it constantly to keep it separate AS SOON as you put it in). We don't use measurements. If you like it thick, then use a lot, if you like it soupy, then you don't even need to use roux. Toss in whatever you want. Garlic cloves, basil, and thyme is what we used for me because I can have that: I also put in dried spinach flakes just because I could. Make sure any meat you put in (except seafood) has bones, this is where broth comes from. Tossing in seafood just makes it more awesome.
Then you sit there with the stove not full blast. Medium low to medium high, which ever, just not on high. Poke the meet with a fork. When it pokes easy and when you cut the thickest portion there is no red then it is ready. Don't over cook it, meat is very easy to overcook.
How to Bake IC safe Ribs
Meat is usually the safest food an ICer can eat. Just be sure to make sure its fresh with no added salt (unless you can handle salt, then have at it).
Clean excess fat off the ribs but leave a little for flavor. It all depends on what you like.
Now take the meat and add the meat rub from above to it before putting it in. But whatever you want (again, it was garlic, basil, and thyme for me... possibly butter if you want, but anything goes if you can tolerate it and it sounds cool). Use both hands, get them dirty. Or you can toss it in a zip loc bag. Or you could even let it sit overnight in the meat rub. For non-ICers (or if you're not diet sensitive) I hear Italian dressing is good to marinade it in and let it sit overnight, but whatever it is has to have some liquid to it to make the meat soak.
Pre-heat oven to 350. Spray pan with whatever you use to stop stick. We used olive oil spray, which is awesome for ICers who may worry about Pam. No spray? Guess you can just slowly dribble cooking oil about then. Remember that all pure oil is safe for IC, even soy, but check the ingredients just to make sure that one ingredient is the only one there.
Put ribs in pan, cover with tin foil. Cook for 45 minutes then remove foil and cook for 30-45 minutes more depending on how dark you want it. You may need to add more liquid over it to keep it from drying out.
Then, if you're like my mom and love dark things, turn the over to broiler mode on low for 1-3 minutes to brown it. But this isn't necessary.
For support, help, and education through the eyes of one Interstitial Cystitis Warrior.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?
Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.
Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.
These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.
You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.
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