What is Interstitial Cystitis?

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.

Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.

These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.

You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This is IC and this is what it does to your mind and body.

This is something someone linked that had been written by me. So I figured I'd just put it here too.

This is a post written amidst a flare. I will be hateful, politically incorrect, and highly offensive with bad words. This is also a public post because it needs to be heard, or at least, what IC does to a person's mentality.

I hate everyone today. I had to go get blood drawn but had to be driven an hour there and an hour back to the lab. I didn't feel the needle. It went great. I was already in a flare. I've been in once for the past 2 days, but the meds I've been taking made it bearable and I could play games and distract myself. Walking and leave the house is a bad idea. But I had to today.

I brought heating pad with me. Ride there and ride back as okay, but we needed to go to walmart to pick up Kleenex and maybe something edible for me. I find that matching my usual walk fast pace just makes it worse, so I ask James to tiptoe with me as it's the only way I could do it. All the wheelchairs for taken -- by fat women. Fat fucks who, SURPRISE, riding in a wheel chair isn't going to fix that. And these women all seemed chipper. Well of course, they weren't sick. maybe walking just her because they were so fucking fat. Who knows. So I just brave it out.

I get to the cereal aisle and a spasm punches me in the gut. This type of pain is hard to describe. The simplest way is to say imagine the worst bladder infection you've ever had, but no medication will stop the pain. But I'll say it felt like I hadn't urinated for 24 hours beforehand, and this new spasm felt like my bladder was ripping apart. I told James I was out of there. I had to go back to the car, put on the heating pad, and lay down.

I blame it on the fat fucks. If I could have gotten a chair the jostling wouldn't have triggered this. I wish their leg/back pain would kill them, but it won't, so they'll just get fatter and keep using the chairs. This is why I want my own damn wheel chair. This season is destroying me like it always does. Will I graduate this year? I have no idea. If the IC behaves, yes, I will. if not then no, I have to waste yet another year on online courses and another year keeping me away from getting a job I can do online.

I hate all the healthy people. I hear this is common with cancer patients too. I hate them. I despise them and their first world problems that they complain about. I'd trade them.

Do you want to pray for me? Please do. Even though I despise organized religion of any kind, I'm not a scrooge about it. I prayed constantly last year. Deus ex machina didn't happen.

I'm hurting bad. I can't even play with James and it feels like I'm wasting his vacation. I went to bed early last night. I woke up early. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, it will hurt. Until some asshole finally decides to do research on temperature change and chronic illnesses I think we're all fucked. I know my other chronically ill friends are having a hard time this winter too. Something is happening, but no one cares to research it because it brings in no money.

This isn't an infection I don't think because last night I felt pretty normal. The morning/dayti flares are what are destroying me.

I'm taking Valium, soma, elimiron, utira-c, oxybutinin, and benedryl, and even with all this shit still I feel like my bladder is destroying itself.

Now factor in the only thing I can safely eat are mostly tasteless things. Plain rice, some wheat, and if I'm brave then mild cheddar cheese. So I sit watching these fat fucks stuff their mouths with McDonald's breakfast items (which I love and crave) and then watch them scoot on out with the customary Wal-mart scooters and I'm expected not to hate them.

I'm usually not a hateful person, not ever, I don't even hate Hitler, I just want to understand why he did what he did and say it was wrong but from that viewpoint (evidently his mother was impregnated by a rich Jewish guy she worked for, or so the school databases suggest with some evidence such as Hitler turning the graveyard his "dad" was buried in into an artillery range so that everything would be destroyed..) So no, I don't hate him. Not even him.

But now? Today? At this moment? I'm filled with it for everyone. Even those who didn't take the chairs. I suppose it comes with the "why me?" sentiment.

So what now? James won't and can't move to South America every winter. I can't work outside the home unless this goes into remission. And at 26 I am kicked off my step dad's insurance plan. That blood test that I have to do every month costs $140 by itself without insurance. Elmiron costs $500, and I won't even bother looking into the others unless I want to depress myself me. I don't think this thing will go into remission within 3 years.

So what do I do now? The worst part is NO ONE CAN SEE THIS. It is not visible. If I took the chair I'd be glared at. If I accepted my doctor's offer for a handicapped parking spot I'd be glared at. But right now I am handicapped, badly handicapped. No housework will be done today, and my mom won't let me forget.

If my bladder is removed it'll do nothing. It's the muscles triggering it. But they're connected to everything down there and can't be removed.

Will the Republicans pay for my medications? No. Will the Democrats? Maybe, but I'm not so hopeful. I can't get disability because I never had a chance to work because of this. I can get SSI, but when look at me and my age and depending on the day I can look pretty damn healthy I suspect I'll be denied repeatedly. Will my urologist vouch for me? Maybe. But she's already stuck her head out for me by giving me all these pills and I'd hate to put more work on her. In the end I may have to. I guess along with James, Chris, and my other chronically friends she is the only other person I don't hate right now.

So now what? Seriously. Tell me what you would do in this situation. I just want to get my degree and go for a masters. I would love the hell out of being a teacher student. But I can't. I'm crippled, but not crippled enough for the government to help me.

I'm cross posting this everywhere. THIS IS IC AND THIS IS WHAT IT DOES. THIS IS WHY I DON'T VISIT MY FAMILY. THIS IS WHY I CAN'T VISIT MY GRANDMOTHER IN THE HOSPITAL. THIS IS THE REASON MY BOYFRIEND MAY EVENTUALLY BREAK UP WITH ME (though he's been a trooper so far). You can all stop making me feel guilty. Perhaps it'll lessen my hate a little.


  1. I have not been diagnosed with IC, but I have Pelvic floor problems which causes bladder problems and rectal muscle problems(Levator Spasms).All of this mess causes me to burn before and after I pee.I have tried azo and uribel,but they don't give me any relief. I have been to the urologist and he said I had no infection.All of these problems make living a drag.(if you want to call it living).I hope both of us can find relief for our problems.


    1. Thanks Ray. I know how you feel, my IC is healing up but my spasms will not stop. Uribel and the like does little for muscle spasms but I've had success with Soma and Valium.


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