He seemed nice when I talked to him about my IC and such, but he seemed in a hurry so I packed up and left.
Its his syllabus that worries me. If I miss more than three classes I get a WN. Some teachers won't even tell you this, let you go to their class for the entire year, do all the work, and then at the end say you were WN'd three months prior.
Well, my disability stops me from leaving my heating pad on bad days, and I don't think they'll let me go in with no pants and a heating pad tethered to my crotch. Just a hunch.
Even more worrisome is that he counts you as absent if you're ten minutes late. I'm usually always late. I'm sick. My bed time rituals are so ridiculous it deserves its own post, I was an insomniac even before IC, and I live an hour away.
I've never had a jackass for a professor before. One even said she'd never count me absent because I always did so well on my tests and she didn't want me to suffer if I was in pain, and just to keep up with homework and email it to her. Most of my professors were pretty awesome about it, ESPECIALLY the language professors. The one who runs the language lab at my college has my picture up on the wall! I have no idea why, but I guess she really liked this picture:

I'm not even a language major, just had to take some courses, but hit it off with them great. They're all laid back. In fact I still use the language lab as just a place to sit and recline if I have to wait on something or quickly download something to my laptop. They always welcome me happily and chat. Even though it was two years ago, they still remember I have IC and often check up on me when we cross paths.
My English teachers aren't quite as laid back, but are understanding and kind. I've never had an issue with missing too many days. They probably cut me a lot of slack, but like I said my GPA is a 3.56 and I always take part in discussions and even try to start some since the rest of the class always happen to be zombies.
Hopefully this guy isn't going to follow his syllabus to the letter with me. He'd be the only professor ever to punish me so. I'll be wary..
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