What is Interstitial Cystitis?

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.

Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.

These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.

You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Doctors who don't listen

My last post was a rant about the pap smear I was forced to go through, just like everyone else, to receive BC. Now I'll get to the IC part of the visit. Since my pants were off she saw those deep, purple, vein lines we cause when we burn ourselves on out heating pads. She freaked out, told me to stop. I told her that I hurt too much to stop.

She berated me. I told her, "It HURTS."

She thought for a moment and prescribed an anti-anxiety med and requested to see my vitamin D levels since I was "pale" and it can effect pains.

Then she told me I need to get out more, and not let this disease control my life. I replied again, "but it HURTS. I can't do anything like this."

This is where she stopped listening and urged me to not shut myself away in my room with a heating pad. Instead I supposed I should go out until my pain gets so bad I'm in tears and the spasms are out of control. I leave my house when I feel safe. Most days during the winter I don't feel safe.

I emailed my Uro and asked if there was actually any damage that could be done from the heating bad and she said that all her patients at the same markings and it was normal for us.

Plan? Cover it up with a cool tattoo. I mean, if I ever go into remission. Until then I don't need any needles.

So for the past.. oh.. 4 days? I've been saying very loudly, "NOW I SHALL GO EAT THIS CEREAL, WHICH AS VITAMIN D, AS I GO BURN MYSELF ON THIS HEATING PAD." I think my boyfriend is tired of hearing it.

1 comment:

  1. Describe your appointment on a portal like "rate my doctor". I always check reviews before I schedule a visit, and you'll save me the nerves.


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