What is Interstitial Cystitis?

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.

Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.

These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.

You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Alternative Vs Western

There's the "hippies" and then there's the "scientists." I think both are wrong about things and both are right about others.

When I first diagnosed myself with IC via research after my bladder infection pain never went away I was horrified to see the diagnostic process involved a scope, which is wider than a catheter, being slid into the hole where no things were meant to go, and all the while being forced to be awake and aware during it. The hydro-distension looked dangerous and even back on 07 some people were saying it didn't get them a diagnosis until they kept switching doctors.

If there's any doctors out there, can you please tell me why Propofol can't be used for cystoscopies? They use it for routine colonscopies. I'd pay the extra cash, even sell my car.

That aside, thank God the guidelines have changed and its no longer needed.

Back then, (just in '07) that's "how we do things around here," or so said everyone. I felt quite attacked my my beloved IC community of the Interstitial Cystitis Network because I explained my intense fear of doctors, but the badgered me to the point that I left the site. I was 19.

Without a diagnosis I couldn't get the only saving grace at the time, that being Elmiron. I looked all over the internet to try and find a way to get it online. Canadian pharmacies required a prescription as did everywhere else, however, you can get birth control online with no exam needed. This was also something I did to the avoid the "you must have a pap smear even if you only had one partner and you were both virgins."

So I hid. I hid all summer, crying in pain. The only thing I had was Quercetin, something sold to body builders at GMC and some other over the counter supplement unusually used by sufferers of arthritis.

I had no pain meds, but at least knew the diet. And yes, I wasn't "diagnosed" but I knew I had it. Things gradually got better. But not enough to not leave me in agony once school started again. All I had was over the counter azo to help the pain, and thankfully it did good. Slowly, my pain got better.. I suffered through classes.. but by November it was gone. Within 6 months it had gone into remission. Was it the herbs? Maybe. I can't say. But I felt so proud about defeating this disease all by myself.

Then in '09 it returned. I resumed hiding. It was worse this time. I couldn't get to school, or even leave my bed. I took online courses just to keep my scholarships but none was towards my degree. The herbs weren't working this time.. or at least not fast enough.

The a nurse practitioner suggested to me by a friend saved me. She had patients with IC and believe me when I told it that's what it probably was. She gave me a muscle relaxer, and it helped a ton. She still wanted me to go to a urologist, but I told her I was too terrified to even have a pap done. She took care of me for a year until I was ready to try a Urologist, and at this point, the guidelines had changed to diagnose based off symptoms. I was recommended to a female urologist. The very first visit she told me she only diagnosed through hydro distention or the scope, at which I protested, saying the guidelines had changed. The reply was "well, that's just how we do things around here."

I started crying, she gave me a hug, and said she'd give me time to think about it as she attended other patients. I talked with my boyfriend on what he thought was best, and he said he fully supported my decision to do what I felt what was best for my body. I didn't return to that Urologist.

Through the ICN I found one 3 hours away that did guest lectures and such so was more informed. She knew about the guidelines, and unlike the last uro, said that instills wouldn't help the type of symptoms I was having (which was the only thing the other uro suggested).

I got on Elmiron, a ton of pain pills, and as you know, cyclosporine. I'm doing FAR better than last year. I don't think the Elmiron did much as I think my bladder is repaired, but I'm stuck with muscle spasms and false nerve triggers. That's just my hunch since the Elmiron hasn't made me "normal". I may discontinue. It was the pain killers that made me "normal"

Friends also suggest Alternative treatments like yoga, acupuncture, and just recently a "healer." Being from Louisiana I'd be interested in the "healer" just for the sake of curiosity; bonus points of its some form of voodoo. The problem with all of these though are the same problem I have with therapists.. I have to make an appointment and leave my house regardless of how bad a flare is or else they'll drop me as "customer".

I'm skeptical about yoga, but may try it. Acupuncture.. ehh.. not a fan of needles... and if my mom can find some "healer" that doesn't do anything crazy I'd give that a try.

So, in summary, I really have no idea. I feel the herbs during my first bout helped a lot, but this second one seems to be on steroids and they didn't seem to help too much.. plus the cost doubled with my medicine was just too much. If you have mild IC I'd suggest the herbs. If not then its your choice what to try first.

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