What is Interstitial Cystitis?

What is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.

Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.

These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.

You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Winter Flare

I don't know how much the temperature dropped. All I know is that last night things were warm enough to have the air conditioner on for awhile. I wake up and notice my boyfriend has out the heat on full blast, and this is a guy who finds 70 too hot.

I do my daily chores and find it it feels kinda chilly. Usually I get a 4 hour break from pain right after waking up. Today wasn't like that. Pain and burning from the start, I took all pain killers and my eyes are terribly dilated but I still hurt.

My Grandmother just died. Original plans was wake on tomorrow, which I could attend. Now they've moved everything to Tuesday. I have school on Tuesday. The two events happen at different times, but I'm flaring and I only have a 4 hour break. I must choose. Usually I'd pick the funeral, but it is the week before finals where teachers tend to give study guides to the "good" students who came to class. I need that guide. I'll email her and ask for notes and everything.

If that fails then I get to look like a worthless, selfish member of the family because no one understand the type of pain this disease causes.

This related to the spoon theory (http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/). I don't have enough spoons for both. I told my mom this and she got very mad and disappointed to the point of making me cry. I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS. I WANT TO BE HEALTHY. It's not my fault, but that's never the message conveyed from her.

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