Physically feeling well, that is. I feel like I'm headed towards remission or at least close enough to remission to feel secure. I still hurt when I eat something with a small amount of citric acid or on certain weeks of when my period is supposed to occur, but overall I've been function all year and its nearly spring here!
Since this blog is dedicated to my struggles with the medical industry and life struggles involving IC my post amount will be declining until the IC returns. I'm not optimistic enough to think that its gone for good. I though this once, and it came back worst and longer than the first battle. I will do something different than last time, though. I will stay away from my beloved coffee and tomato sauces.. I will break the diet moderately, not radically.
For those who are reading and curious the job situation is still going fine. So fine in fact, that I find myself getting tired of the job and feel brave enough to pursue a higher job level without fear of making myself look bad due to the restrictions my illness would put on me. Problem here is that I live in the boondocks and all there is here is low leveled labor like retail and customer service.
I have three goals coming up that I want to meet badly: finalize my long-awaited trip to the tropics to scuba dive, save up enough money to feel secure encase I do have another IC battle, and to move into a larger city where I can get a job I'm proud of. The healthcare situation is pretty terrifying in this country, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take my graduate trip to the tropics. I'd like to at least manage the other two.. but on the other hand IC made me aware of how valuable life is. I was so suicidal during that time that I was unsure if I'd be alive in five years. Visiting the one place I always wanted to since I was a child watching PBS underwater specials before I die is pretty important to me, so I'm not sure I can just let the opportunity pass me by while I'm well enough to do it regardless of financial restraints.
If I talk more I'll start going on a political rant, which I don't want to do so I'll cut it off here. My posting will be very thin. If something negative happens regarding my health I'll certainly do a post on it. Until then, assume I am fine and healthy. =)
And always remember that your healthcare is in your hands.. if you're uncomfortable with something find another doctor who will do things your way. Please don't support people who want to limit healthcare options due to their own beliefs so we can always have the option of second opinions and getting the care that we need.
For support, help, and education through the eyes of one Interstitial Cystitis Warrior.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?
Interstitial Cystitis is the worst bladder infection you've ever had, except no bacteria is present, there is no cure, many foods make it worse, and separate treatments have maybe 1/3 of a chance of helping. The only true "treatment" is treating the pain, as its usually the only thing that will work. Even patients who've had their bladders removed still experience the pain. Doctors don't know what causes it or how to get rid of it but have many theories.
Need to find a doctor in your area who actually knows how to deal with IC humanely? Click here.
These are the new guidelines for diagnosing IC. If your doctor isn't using these then I suggest you find a new one who keeps up to date.
You can find the IC safe collaborated recipes between me and my step dad here.